Friday, May 7, 2010

Enhancements to Transactions(dehydration/audit trial ) in

There always used to be a concern that the BPEL instances don’t show up when one of the processes taking part in transaction issues a rollback. This used to happen because BPEL process state is also rolled back to the last commit and if there has been no commit and this process was invoked through a synchronous interaction then the process will be wiped out since nothing has been dehydrated. BPEL uses the same transaction to update process state in the and also to log audit events in the database. Many clients used to enquire on why there is no trace of the process as the BPEL process itself will not show up in the Console.
I am happy to see that Oracle has addressed this issue in 11g - where they have made enhancements to BPEL's transactional behavior and audit-trail .Audit trail saving settings can be configured to take part in a local or different transaction, there by not affecting the transaction of the BPEL process. This feature allows you to get a complete trail, especially in the case of rollbacks or unhandled faults - no matter what happened to the underlying "working" transaction.

More on the new features of :-

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