Recently we ran into an issue where we
were getting issues with Conversation ID in SOA .Since we are not directly
involved in generating the Conversation ID it was something we had not
So one of the learning’s that we
got out of this issue was that the payload data was also being used to create
the conversation Id’s.
In our case we were having a
composite primary key which was a collection of 4 to 5 columns. There was a DB
Adapter polling these records. The error message was thrown not from the
process but from the SOA engine.
Error Message:
[APP: soa-infra] JCABinding=>
db_poll2 db_poll2Adapter Service db_poll2 was unable to perform delivery
of inbound message to the composite default/ConvIdPollerTest!1.0*soa_15be5514-092f-44ce-b44d-95726a0486f1
due to: Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink - 11g Release 1 (
(Build 111018)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException[[
Exception: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-12899: value too large for column
(actual: 125, maximum: 100)
Since it was to do with SOAINFRA
tables we had a look at the SOAINFRA COMPOSITE_INSTANCE table. The
CONVERSATION_IS column was of 100 char.
The issue was coming because the SOA
engine used the primary key values from polled records and concatenated them to
a unique Id to make the conversation ID.
Since there were records where the
combined concatenated value was more than 100 chars those records where failing
when SOA Engine tries to make an entry into COMPOSITE_INSTANCE table for
Instance tracking.
There is no straight forward
solution as this is a product limitation. Solution was to have a workaround to
find a key which is unique but not too lengthy J