I was recently having a requirement to use WebLogic Scripting Tool because it gave a lot of flexibility to configure SOA composite applications. In WLST there was OFFLINE option for doing deployments and for Composite Application Management.
You can get wlst commands @ here
Some of the commands which I loved using are
1. sca_deployComposite : Deploy a SOA composite application.
2. sca_undeployComposite : Un deploy a SOA composite application.
3. sca_startComposite : Start a previously stopped SOA composite application.
4. sca_stopComposite :Stop a SOA composite application.
5. sca_activateComposite : Activate a previously retired SOA composite application.
6. sca_retireComposite : Retire a SOA composite application.
7. sca_listDeployedComposites : List the deployed SOA composite applications.
Oracle SOA Suite, MDS, and services such as SSL and logging, supply custom WLST commands.
To use those custom commands, you must invoke the WLST script from the Oracle home. Do not use the WLST script in the WebLogic Server home.
The script is located at:
(Windows) MIDDLEWARE_HOME\Oracle_SOA1\common\bin\wlst.cmd
In case you use the WLS tool from
Or from
MIDDLEWARE_HOME \wlserver_10.3\common\bin
It will throw following error.
Traceback (innermost last):
File "", 1,="" ?<="" in="" line="" span="">",>
NameError: sca_undeployComposite
To show the way, I will use sca_undeployComposite command. For un-deploying composite processes using wlst while the soa-infra is offline use the following custom command.
>> sca_undeployComposite
sca_undeployComposite(serverURL, compositeName, revision, user, password)
Argument | Definition |
serverURL | URL of the server that hosts the SOA Infrastructure application (for example, http://localhost:8001). |
compositeName | Name of the SOA composite application. |
Revision | Revision ID of the SOA composite application. |
User | Optional. User name to access the composite deployer servlet when basic authentication is configured. |
Password | Optional. Password to access the composite deployer servlet when basic authentication is configured. |
How to use it
(UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/wlst.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_HOME\common\bin\wlst.cmd
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
wls:/offline> connect()
Please enter your username [weblogic] :weblogic
Please enter your password [welcome1] :
Please enter your server URL [t3://localhost:7001] : t3://localhost:7001
Connecting to t3://localhost:7001 with userid weblogic ...
Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 'soa_domain'.
wls:/soa_domain/serverConfig> sca_undeployComposite("http://localhost:8001","GeoComposite", "1.0","weblogic","weblogic123")
serverURL = http://localhost:8001
user = weblogic
partition = default
compositeName = GeoComposite
revision = 1.0
timeout= -1
set user and password...
compositeDN = default/GeoComposite!1.0
Creating HTTP connection to host:localhost, port:8001
Received HTTP response from the server, response code=200
---->Undeploying composite (default/GeoComposite!1.0) success.
That’s pretty much for the day. Happy Easter and a long weekend