Saturday, November 7, 2009

SOA 11g installation

The installation is pretty straight forward. At first look SOA Suite 11g is too heavy ,but solid and is resource savy , so requires >3GB memory .

The installation requires following 11G software's

1. RCU(Repository Creation Utility)

2. Weblogic Server:wls1031_win32.exe

3. SOA Suite:

4. JDeveloper Studio, base install and SOA Extension for JDeveloper

From a database perspective I used XE database and it looks fine .The Oracle database -Oracle XE Universal database version

If you are using XE, you must update database parameters if you have never done this for your database installation. You only have to do this once after installing. Make sure processes parameter is >=200.
sqlplus sys/oracle@XE as sysdba
SQL> show parameter session
SQL> show parameter processes
SQL> alter system reset sessions scope=spfile sid='*';
SQL> alter system set processes=200 scope=spfile;
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> startup

For my first installation I didnt use RCU, so had to manually create the schema objects .The scripts can be found @ $ORACLE_HOME\rcu\integration\soainfra\sql

Another important step is to set the memory setting.

This value is dependent on your machine resources and may need to be adjusted for your machine. Allocating more memory for startup will give you help you in resolving the Out of memory error while staring up the server.

set DEFAULT_MEM_ARGS=-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m