Wednesday, July 20, 2011

SOA-INFRA in Warning state due to BPM MDB’s - MDB application soa-infra is NOT connected to messaging system

One of the customers had the following issue where MDB’s where showing MDB application soa-infra is NOT connected to messaging system in one of their SOA environment. CubeActionMDB, BAMActionMDB, PeopleQueryMDB are added as part of the BPM suite.
These MDB’s are internally used by BPM.
Cube Action MDB:: A message driven bean (MDB) is used to trigger aggregation and persistence of the analytical data to the BPM cube schema stored in the SOA Service Infrastructure database.
BAM Action MDB::  A message driven bean (MDB) is used to publish analytical data towards the BAM adapter installed as part of the SOA Service Infrastructure.
The issue is caused by missing BPM Topics and connection factories.

This causes the MDB deployments in soa-infra to fail causing the soa-infra application to go into a warning state.
Create missing BPM Topics and connection factories.
Create a topic with the below JNDI names and target those to the SOASubDeployment (please make sure SOASubDeployment is targeted to one JMS Server on SOA Server).
1. jms/bpm/PeopleQueryTopic
2. jms/bpm/MeasurementTopic

Create the below connection factories (All are XA enabled connection factories) and target them into a SOA server (where soa-infra application is targeted to).
1. jms.bpm.PeopleQueryConnectionFactory
2. jms.bpm.CubeCommandXAConnectionFactory
3. jms.bpm.BAMCommandXAConnectionFactory

After the above changes, restart the SOA Servers and check the application deployment status.
2.      2.  Oracle support:-- SOA-INFRA Application Deployment Display Status Shows Warning Instead of Active Status in a New SOA Suite Domain [ID 1159547.1]

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